Driving north from Georgetown, TX, a stop for gas provided us with a view of these Univ. of Colorado crew boats. Ted looked on the Net and discovered that they had been to the Univ. of Texas and were on their way to the San Diego Crew Classic being held April 4-6.

This is the Texas Speedway at Fort Worth on I-35W. The stand to the right is for the dirt track. People were beginning to gather at our RV park for the upcoming NASCAR race.

My friends of 32 years, whom I met in Richmond, IN, where Brent was born, took us on a tour of DFW that was amazing. We drove into the cul de sac and took this picture of the new home for George W. and Laura Bush. Can you believe that the secret service let us get up this close? Two doors to the left is a huge home with 22 acres behind it. It is owned by a very wealthy Texan. Our friends believe that is why the Bushes paid two million for this house in an area less desirable than others in Dallas. We made two turns through the cul de sac. The person reading a newspaper in the main window rose as we made the second turn. We decided that the secret service were now getting uncomfortable. I took the photo, waved, and we left. I would bet that the Bushes were not in residence or we would not have been so well received. Kris says that a privacy fence is planned.

Near the Bush home is this fairy tale house. It is in a neighborhood of very established upscale "English" style homes.

Skyline of Dallas. Building on right was the Ewing Oil Building in the TV show
Dallas. In reality those are not oil derricks on top and the building has nothing to do with oil.

More skyline of Dallas.

Behind the tree is the Texas Book Depository in Dallas, TX. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Jack Kennedy from the corner window on the 6th floor. Dave and Kris encouraged us visiting the 6th Floor Museum. It is very well done and worth seeing.

It was amazing to me what a short distance it was from the turn in front of the Depository and the famous underpass.

There are two xs on the road. The first one is the location of the limo when the first shot struck and this is the spot where the killing shot reached President Kennedy.

This is part of a very long sculpture that starts at the top of a hill beyond the trees in the upper right corner. The second photo was taken by Kris and shows the steers coming down the hill. The sculpture is amazing and is located in heart of Dallas. That is real water in the first photo.

There are several vaqueros in the Cattle Drive sculpture.

Here is the theater where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested after shooting Officer Tibbetts. There is nothing to indicate that. Dave had visited all the sites related to the assassination so he gave us a tour most don't get.

The theater entrance.

This was once the sheep and hog pens at the Fort Worth Stockyards. There are lots of tourist shops here, too.

Twice a day the cattle drive is reinacted down the main street in the Ft. Worth Stockyards.

This is main street in the Stockyards, minus the long horns.

Bonnie and Clyde stayed here. The bar has saddles for some of their bar stools.

Just down the block from this sculpture is a huge cowboy belt work of art.

Billy Bob's is a HUGE honky-tonk next to the Stockyards. One room is an actual rodeo arena.

Fort Worth reminds us of Portland. It has a warm feeling and is a very walkable city with lots of trees and culture.

This Water Garden has three fountains below street level in downtown Ft. Worth. They cannot be seen driving around the block. This one was a set in the movie
Logan's Run with Michael York.

One water garden had many of these cypress trees growing along the pool.

The cypress knees are aeration organs and grow wherever they can find the room. These are about three feet from the tree.

We drove 70 miles from Denton, TX to Bonham, TX, where Ted's paternal grandparents were married. This is looking at the SE corner of the town square. We found the marriage certificate in the courthouse and then searched deeds and death records for family names. Next we searched county histories in the town library. We have some leads to continue our search on Ancestry.com.