Saturday, November 1, 2008

Winchester Bay, Oregon

October 7 we sold our business. We feel very fortunate. Ted is now really retired. We celebrated by returning to Winchester Bay, Oregon and a county run RV park on a peninsula in the Umpqua River. This is what we saw outside the side of our coach.

The Oregon Dunes are right around the corner of the evergreen forest in the background. The path in front of the coach circles the park and is a mile long. It is great for walking and riding bikes. Last year we were on the other side of the peninsula looking at the marina.
This was taken last year, but shows the relationship of the water to the RVs.

It was fun watching this barge come across the bar into the river. We've ridden our bikes in the evenings to watch the progress being made dredging the river and marina. What fun it is to be able to do this and not feel guilty that we aren't accomplishing something. It reminds me of one of our son's favorite childhood books, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.

Ahh! This is the view outside our front window. The ocean is just beyond the land on the right.

Here is another gorgeous end to the day out our window. Imagine watching this as you listen to your favorite music CD. That is what we did.

Several storm fronts had come through and had the gulls very agitated. They looked like bees swarming. We have a sea lion that pokes his head up outside our door almost every day. Western Grebes and a family of Mallard Ducks add to the entertainment.

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