Monday, November 16, 2009

Mary Ball Washington Museum and Library, Lancaster, Virginia

A big advantage of living in our RV is that I (Penny) can research my family history in the locations where my ancestors lived. To be able to look at a marriage record, will, deed, etc. that was recorded near the time of the event often reveals data that cannot be found any other way. Often I find something that changes the information I have. This is usually because the person who read the document did it inaccurately, i. e., Bety is really Betsy.
This building is one of only a few in Lancaster, Virginia. At least three branches of my mother's family once lived in Lancaster County. The courthouse is on one side of this building and a tiny genealogy library is on the other side. I have been visiting lots of courthouses and local libraries. The Mary Ball Washington Library is quite amazing, especially for its size. I spent three days there and found more than I had time to copy or record. Oh, darn, guess I will have to go back.
The group that runs the library also maintains a museum. This is the ancient jail that is part of that complex.
Craig Kilby is a professional genealogist who volunteers at the Mary Ball Washington Library. I got terrific help the other two days I spent there, but Craig's knowledge and enthusiasm was far above average. I learned more in that one day about sources, research, and websites than I have in the 30 years I have been interested in my family history.

1 comment:

Laughter From Litwalton said...

Wow! Thanks for the compliment! I had no idea you had written this until day (Oct 10) when a friend of mine thought it would be a fun idea to google. Glad he found THIS and not something else. Thank you and can't wait for your next visit, which I am WITNESS to hearing your husband say would be 30 whole days next year.