Monday, August 5, 2013

A clear day, Newport, OR 3 Aug 2013

There as an excellent network of paved bicycle paths on the Newport South Beach.  We try to ride as fast as we can through this area so we can gain speed before we have to go uphill a bit further on.  Still, I don't think we really needed the curve warning.

As you approach the beach, there are a series of signs painted on the road noting where the shoreline was on a given year.  The current shoreline is a couple hundred yards beyond this one.
Sand that has washed in has been blown into dunes up to forty feet above sea level.
In this photo, you can see the jetty, not visible in the previous post due to the fog, that is responsible for extending the shoreline.  As you can see, there is a long way to go before the beach south of the jetty is completely filled in.
Here, a sportfishing boat enters Yaquina Bay.  This was a particularly busy weekend.  Ted suspected that some fishing season opened.  He can hardly wait to go out himself next weekend.
Across the bay from us is the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse and the Coast Guard watchtower.  Barely visible on the little knob to the left of this photo is the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.

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